Friday, 24 April 2015


Here are my mock-ups for the covering, content pages and double-spread pages.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Evaluation question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?
       As the genre of my music magazine is Rap, my target audience is going to be teenagers at the age of 13-25. I consider this target audience as the generic conventions of my music magazine follows the interests of those most of all. Teenagers at that age are mostly interested in fashion, street style, clubs, their images, love, relationships,music and so on and all this is included in the content of my magazine. One of the biggest aspects of my magazine is the love story of a rapper and I feel like it is the most obvious thing that points out who is the audience for my media product. Love stories of artists are often followed by gossip, and it also shown at the pages of my magazine, as teenagers always like to read about dramas happening in artists world. Older people, especially men,  would find this information irrelevant to music, not important and won't appreciate this in music magazine at all. For them, there are a lot of different points, that they find much more interesting and important rather than gossip and love affairs. Teenagers, on the contrary, don't take life that seriously and listen to music, read music magazines more often for entertainment , not to find serious information or to get important knowledge. Another thing is that Rap, as a music genre is a genre in which younger people like teenagers are interested more than the others. For children the texts of the songs may sound too rude and cruel, rhythm of music is too strong and quick, so children won't like rap music as it does not suit their interests and hobbies. So my primary audience is going to be male and female at the age 13-25. My music magazine can appeal to both male and female as it includes interesting things  for both of them. Strong bright color scheme (red, black), images of the artists (mostly male, with tattoos, stylish clothes, haircut), information about new songs releases, artist itself, his style- those are all things that may attract male audience. For women it can be gossip news, love stories, style of the images of the female artists, fashion, dramas, etc. My music magazine has many features that interests both and that is why it is appealing to both.
        My secondary audience is going to be adults at the age older than 25, but younger than 50. Those adults may also be interested  in reading Rap music magazines and be true fans of Rap. For those there are also some interesting things included. Adults at the age 25+ are no longer interested in gossip  and more interested in music itself. For them there is an article about the history of rap music, top lists of songs to help them find new music easily. People in such older age are more interested in intelligent and cognitive information rather than gossips. People of both genders might find this magazine appealing to them.