My music magazine will be about Rap music genre. The sub-genre is going to be 'Gangsta Rap' and I will include information about 'Gangsta Rap' artists in my magazine, such as Eminem, 2Pac, Wiz Khalifa, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, 50 cent and others. It will include interviews with famous Rap artists, which will be focused on personal life of the artists apart from being on stage. Their families, love, friends and any other interesting events which are happening in their lives. The second main feature of my magazine will be life stories of the artists containing information about things that influenced them to start to sing. As always, rap artists start to write songs based on the life conditions in which they live. Some of them are inspired by street life,some of them are experienced bad things through their life such as death of their families, beating, homelessness. Texts of the Rap artists' songs clearly reflect their life, feelings and thoughts.
The cover of a magazine will consist of close-up shot of a Rap artist. I suppose that the Rap artist on main cover is going to be dark-skinned, as stereotypically most of the Rap artists are black, have many tattoos, piercing and wearing different chains and other special elements of clothes. I will try to make my model look like a real Rap artist by using generic conventions of this music genre.
Red and black colors are very popular with redactors of Rap magazine and the color scheme for my music magazine will consist of red and black colors. I am going to add white color because black, red and white go well with each other and it will make a front cover more balanced and interesting.