Monday, 19 January 2015

Textual analysis 1

Textual analysis of music magazine 1

Mixmag magazine
I am going to make an analysis of a music magazine called Mixmag and this particular issue is from November 2014. I have chosen this magazine as it is a very popular and demanding mainstream music magazine containing various information  and knowledge. Like every other issue of Mixmag the masthead does not change. It is in the same position, however, in each issue there is a color change. The change is designed to match the theme and colors in particular magazine. In this issue editors have decided to use a bright red color which is balanced with other textual inscriptions on the front cover of the magazine. The selling line in the skyline 'The worlds biggest dance and clubbing magazine' helps to sell the magazine. Even though main image is portrayed on the left side of the page it is seen as the most important because of its size.
The main audience of this magazine are teenagers and adults, mainly people who are interested
 in Rap and Hip-Hop music. Teenagers in age 12-18 appear to be interested in Hip-Hop music more than anyone else probably because this music symbolizes coolness and modernity and what teenagers are interested in. Quite often this kind of music contains bad language and that is the first reason why little children are not big fans of this genre. Sometimes the texts of Rap songs describe things such as smoking, taking drugs, sex and those are mainstream topics in teenager society which don't relate to young children at any way. Older people find those topics quite familiar to them and on some occasions they are interested in Rap music as well although teenagers remains the focus group for this genre. Older people after 18 are more likely to start creating families and Rap artists which are singing about life full of drugs and sex are not interesting for them any more.
The main character of this particular issue of the magazine is famous Rap singer which is portrayed in the middle of the page. The close-up of his face occupies the greatest part of the page which makes audience focus on the expression of his face first of all. This magazine contains information about this particular artist, interviews and reviews and the portraying  the close-up shot of the artist makes audience understand what the magazine is going to be about. It can be seen from the cover page that the genre of this magazine is Rap because of the generic conventions which support that genre. As i previously said, things such as tattoos, jewelry, pricing etc. refers to Rap/Hip-Hop genre, and very often Rap and Hip-Hop artists are dark-skinned. This Rap artist on the covering is dark-skinned, which follows the stereotype of Rap artists. Other generic conventions such as jewelry on this artist also refers to the fact that this is a Rap genre music magazine. The eye expression represents the artist as a serious and business person who probably have some problems in his personal life. Stereotypically Rap artists are represented as cool, stylish, problematic, dangerous characters. The image of this artist is made in order to support this idea. His eye view brings tension and deep emotions to the audience and it makes them think more about the problems this artist is experienced and be interested in the nature of this artist. The look of the artist is designed in the way that teenagers would like to see Rap artist: cool hairstyle, street style of clothes, and other style details. Teenagers who are mostly interested in Rap genre music use Rap artists as icons and they are trying to look like them.
Mixmag magazine is published and distributed by 'Development Hell'. This company is independent and focus only on Mixmag. This company is based in Inslington, London . The board of Development Hell is chaired by Peter Strong and comprises Managing Director Jerry Perkins, Editorial Director David Hepworth and Finance Director David Joseph.

The font of the content page is black in contrast with main covering's font which is white. Headings are whet and are placed at the right and left sides of the pages. Most of the page is engaged with pictures of different artists. On the the left there is a picture of a girl in a club which connotes that this is music and clubbing magazine. In the left side of this picture there is a heading saying "the world's best club photos and listings" on page 116 and that helps to find information they want to read about most of all. Editor uses not bright colors throughout the whole page to create a specific atmosphere and to make a black font go well with the photos. On the right page there are 3 pictures which showing different artists and things. The color scheme is the same as at the other page and it does not contain any bright colors.

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