Saturday, 2 May 2015

question number 6 and 7 evaluation

      Question number 6  is about the use of ICT and question number 7 is about how I progressed from my first experience of creating a front cover.

      My progression in the biggest way is consist of improvement in using ICT, as i had a poor idea how to use it before. For creating my front cover I used Photoshop in pRTICULr and also indesign to crop and move the images. On the whole in photoshop I used tools such as -move tool, to move the image, brush, pencil and paint bucket to create the gradient effect and play with colors in my work. In my first work I found it quite difficult to understand, but as my experience in using Photoshop was increasing, I settled and felt more confident about everything I used- and this is a progression from my first work- confidence, as in previous work I was scared to do anything and the work did not look at a level in which I wanted it to be. Therefore, with my work for my media coursework O did more experiments and it looked better at every way. I also used tools such as Text tool to add some texts- layouts and other. I played with colors using foreground, background colors and it worked quite well. I was working with different layouts as Photoshop allows me to do it. Although I used a lot of tools, there a lot more to experience in Photoshop but for my work I used a big range of different tools in order to make my work be at a high level and I think I learnt quite a lot.
        The other app that I was using was an Indesign app. This particular app helped me with organizing my pages - i followed my mock-ups to organize my front cover, double-spread page and content page. With this app i found a place for every image and cover line and ensured that all of the staff is at a right place. The biggest impact that was made by this app if the change of fonts in order to follow the Rap genre fully and I used a wide range of fonts in my work. I also used a special website to create my main cover line and make my front cover, especially my tittle look amazing.
Another thing to consider as my improvement from the first task apart from the ICT improvements  is the use of media language, particular generic conventions to ensure that my music magazine follows the Rap genre. Before doing my media product i was unsure west generic conventions to use and did not know much about what media language is appropriate for the Rap genre. After the research and analyses i was clear about what forms of generic conventions to use and started working on my media  product without any trouble. I researched the mark scheme, suitable images, media language features and progressed a lot since my first attempt when i was doubling and did nit know what to use to be more successful and clear with my ideas.

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